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Can Dogs Eat Kale? Explore Benefits & Risks of Feeding Kale to Furry

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By Anna Grace

Kale has recently been hailed as a superfood with its impressive nutritional profile and human health benefits. But what about our furry friends? 

As dog owners, we want to provide our beloved pets with a well-balanced diet that supports their health and well-being. So, can dogs eat kale? This question has been a hot topic among pet owners and nutrition experts. This article will explore the facts and myths surrounding kale and its suitability for our canine companions. According to mspcaKale might be nutritious for humans but keep it away from your dogs. 

Get ready to discover whether kale is a friend or foe to your furry best friend!

Is Kale Safe for Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Kale?  Kale has taken the health and fitness world by storm in recent years, and many pet owners are now wondering if this nutrient-packed vegetable is safe for their furry friends. 

While kale offers many human benefits, the same cannot be said for dogs. Consuming large quantities of kale can lead to a range of health issues for your pup. So, is kale safe for dogs? answer is complicated, but the bottom line is that moderation is essential when feeding your dog kale.

Feeding your furry friend, it’s always best to be cautious. While kale might be a superfood for humans, it can significantly harm dogs. Kale contains compounds called oxalates, which can manage the formation of kidney stones & other urinary tract issues in dogs. 

However, you don’t need to worry if you want to add kale to your dog’s diet. Feeding your pup a small amount of kale now and then is perfectly safe and can even offer some nutritional benefits.

As a loving pet owner, you want to ensure your furry friend gets all the nutrients they need to thrive. While kale is a healthy food for humans, it’s not the best dog choice. Feeding your pup too much kale can do more harm than good. 

However, plenty of other healthy options exist if you desire to add some variety to your dog’s diet. So, while kale might not be the best choice for your furry friend, there are plenty of other ways to keep them happy and healthy!

Types of Kale

dogs eat kale

Epalian kale

Epalian kale, known as Tuscan kale or dinosaur kale, is a nutrient-dense leafy green good for humans and dogs! 

This type of kale has a unique texture that adds a delightful crunch to any dish; dogs will love it too. It’s filled with vitamins A, C, and K and calcium and iron, making it an excellent addition to your furry friend’s diet.

Red Russian kale

Red Russian kale, a variant of Epalian kale, has a milder taste and tender texture, making it perfect for dogs who may be picky eaters. This variety is also broad in fiber, promoting good digestion in dogs. 

So, if you want to keep your dog’s digestive system healthy and happy, Red Russian kale is an excellent choice to include in their diet.

Lacinato kale

Lacinato kale, also familiar as black kale or Italian kale, has a rich, earthy flavor that dogs will love. It’s high in antioxidants, making it an excellent choice for dogs that need a boost in their immune system. 

This kale variety is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may help maintain healthy skin & a shiny coat in dogs.

Curly kale

Curly kale is a versatile variety of Epalian kale that can be cooked, juiced, or eaten raw. Dogs will love the crunchiness of this type of kale, and it’s also rich in vitamins and minerals that support healthy bone growth and development. 

Kale Nutrition Facts

Kale, the leafy green vegetable that has taken the health and wellness world by storm, is not just beneficial for humans. Your furry friend can also enjoy the nutritional benefits of this superfood!

So, let’s discover that Can Dogs Eat Kale?  Here are some Kale nutrition facts for dogs that make it a great addition to their diet.

High in Fiber

Kale is an excellent source of fiber, which can help promote healthy digestion in dogs. Fiber can also support the control of blood sugar levels & prevent constipation.

Rich in Vitamins

Kale is filled with vitamins A, C, and K, essential for maintaining healthy skin and a robust immune system. Vitamin A is vital for good vision, while vitamin C helps boost collagen production and supports joint health. Vitamin K is required for blood clotting & bone health.

Low in Calories

Kale can be a great addition to their diet if your dog needs to lose weight. It is low in calories but higher in nutrients, making it a great way to provide your dog with the necessary vitamins and minerals without adding extra calories.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Kale contains antioxidants such as quercetin and kaempferol, which can help reduce inflammation. 

This makes it a great addition to the diet of dogs suffering from arthritis or other inflammatory conditions.

Calcium Source

Kale is an excellent source of calcium, which is vital for bone health in dogs. Calcium is essential for growing puppies and senior dogs who may be at risk for developing osteoporosis.

Top 10 Picks: Can Dogs Eat Kale?

Top 10 Picks: Can Dogs Eat Kale

Certainly! Here are Top10 Picks about dogs eating kale:

Pick 1: Can Dogs Eat Kale?

Kale is a nutritious leafy green vegetable that can be included in a dog’s diet in moderation.

Pick 2: Can Dogs Eat Kale?

Dogs can eat kale as it is low in calories and contains essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin K, vitamin A, and calcium.

Pick 3: Can Dogs Eat Kale?

The high fiber content in kale can help support a dog’s digestive health and promote regular bowel movements.

Pick 4: Can Dogs Eat Kale?

Kale is also rich in antioxidants, which can help boost the immune system and support overall health.

Pick 5: Can Dogs Eat Kale?

It’s important to prepare kale for dogs by thoroughly washing it to remove any dirt or pesticides.

Pick 6: Can Dogs Eat Kale?

Remove the tough stems and chop or steam the kale before feeding it to your dog to make it easier to digest.

Pick 7: Can Dogs Eat Kale?

Some dogs may find raw kale difficult to chew, so it’s advisable to cook or lightly steam it before offering it to your furry friend.

Pick 8: Can Dogs Eat Kale?

When introducing kale to your dog’s diet, start with small amounts to ensure they tolerate it well and don’t experience any digestive upset.

Pick 9: Can Dogs Eat Kale?

Like any new food, monitor your dog for any signs of allergies or sensitivities after consuming kale. Common signs include itching, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Pick 10: Can Dogs Eat Kale?

While kale can be a healthy addition to a dog’s diet, it should be given as part of a balanced and varied meal plan. It should not replace a complete and balanced commercial dog food.

Remember, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your dog’s diet, including the introduction of new foods like kale.  Your veterinarian can provide personalized advice based on your dog’s specific needs and health conditions.

Benefits of Feeding Kale to Dogs

dogs kale

Here are the benefits of feeding kale to dogs:

  • Boosts Immune System: Kale is rich in vitamin C, essential for the immune system. Feeding your dog kale can help boost their immunity and keep them healthy.

  • Aids Digestion: Kale is high in fiber, which can help promote healthy digestion in dogs. It can also help regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation.

  • Supports Heart Health: Kale is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which may help boost heart health & reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Promotes Healthy Skin and Coat: The high vitamin A levels in kale can help promote healthy skin and a shiny coat in dogs.

  • Helps Fight Cancer: Kale contains antioxidants that can help prevent the growth of cancer cells in dogs.

  • Promotes Weight Loss – Kale is a low-calorie, high-fiber food that can help your dog feel fuller for longer. This can be especially helpful if your dog needs to lose or maintain a healthy weight.

  • Better Eye Health: Kale is packed with vitamins and nutrients that promote healthy vision in dogs, including beta-carotene and lutein, which can help protect against vision loss and other eye-related conditions.

How To Prepare Kale For Dogs

However, preparing kale for dogs can be a bit tricky. Here’s a guide on how to prepare kale for dogs: First, select fresh kale leaves that are free from dirt and debris. Make sure to choose organic kale to avoid exposure to pesticides or chemicals. Then, follow these steps:

  • Wash the kale leaves thoroughly under running water to remove dirt or debris.

  • Remove the stems and tough ribs from the kale leaves, as they can be difficult for dogs to    

  • digest.

  • Cut the kale leaves into bite-sized pieces, ensuring they are not too large for your dog to chew.

  • Boil or steam the kale for a few minutes until it’s tender. This will help make the kale easier for your dog to digest.

  • Allow the kale to cool down completely before serving it to your furry friend.

Balance Kale with Protein

While kale and protein are essential components of a dog’s diet, striking the right balance between them is crucial. Too much kale can lead to digestive issues and may interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients. 

On the other hand, too little protein can result in muscle loss and other health issues.To balance kale with protein, consider incorporating lean meats such as chicken, turkey, or fish into your dog’s diet. These protein sources are easily digestible and give your dog the necessary amino acids. 

Risks Factors

dogs and kale

Eating kale may be all the rage among health enthusiasts, but did you know feeding your furry friend kale can pose serious risks? 

Here are a few of the potential dangers of including kale in your dog’s diet:

Digestive Issues

Kale is a cruciferous vegetable high in fiber and difficult for dogs to digest. Feeding your dog too much kale can cause gastrointestinal upset, including diarrhea, vomiting, and bloating.

Thyroid Problems

Kale contains compounds called goitrogens, which can interfere with thyroid function. If your dog consumes too much kale, it can lead to an enlarged thyroid gland and potentially serious health problems.

Kidney Issues

Kale is also high in oxalates, which can accumulate in the kidneys and cause kidney stones. If your dog has a history of kidney problems, feeding them kale can exacerbate their condition.

Allergic Reactions

Like humans, dogs can be allergic to certain foods. If your dog has never had kale before, introducing it into their diet can trigger an allergic reaction, ranging from mild itching to anaphylaxis.

Other Vegetable Alternatives

While meat is an excellent source of protein, other vegetable alternatives can be added to your dog’s diet to provide additional nutrients and variety. 

Here are some vegetable alternatives you can feed your dog:


These crunchy veggies are rich in beta-carotene, essential for maintaining healthy eyesight. Carrots also help to clean your dog’s teeth and promote good oral hygiene.

Sweet Potatoes

These are an excellent source of dietary fiber and contain high levels of vitamins A, C, and B6. They are also rich in potassium, essential for maintaining healthy muscles and regulating blood pressure.

Green Beans

These are low in calories and are a great source of fiber & vitamin C. They also contain antioxidants, which help to boost your dog’s immune system & protect against disease.


Broccoli is a superfood packed with nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folate & fiber. It contains a compound called sulforaphane, which has been revealed to have anti-cancer properties.


Pumpkin is a great fiber source and can help regulate your dog’s digestive system. It is rich in vitamins C & A and potassium, which help regulate blood pressure.

Wrap Up "Can Dogs Eat Kale?"

In conclusion, while dogs can eat kale in moderation and it can be a healthy addition to their diet, it’s essential to consult a vet before making any significant changes to your pet’s diet. As with any new food, it’s essential to introduce kale gradually and monitor your dog’s reaction to ensure they can tolerate it well. 

can dogs eat kale raw

So, if you’re considering feeding kale to your furry friend, do your research and consult a professional to ensure your dog’s health and well-being always come first.